legal provisions
Your partner – DIN ISO 9001 certified by Intertek

RoHS / lead-free
All ELDIS items are RoHS-compliant
All ELDIS items are REACH and RoHS-compliant.
We will gladly provide you with the relevant certificates of our manufacturers, if required.
In accordance with EU directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS), no electronic or electric equipment containing the following materials may be imported to the EU from 01/06/2006:
– Lead and other metals
– Flame retardant PBB (polybrominated biphenyls)
– PBDE (polybrominated diphenyl ethers)
In Germany, this directive is implemented by the “ElektroG” Act, governing the sale, return and environmentally sound disposal of electrical and electronic equipment (“Gesetz über das Inverkehrbringen, die Rücknahme und die umweltverträgliche Entsorgung von Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten”).
As a supplier for the electronics and electrical industry, ELDIS Elektronik GmbH offers only RoHS-compliant products. We guarantee that all our products fully comply with the current statutory provisions.